Why documentary photography?

The idea behind a documentary family session is that I photograph your life as it happens, in the way that it unfolds every day. I would be there to record whatever is going on – from your high-energy family fun to the most mundane activities and everything in-between. My goal is to tell a poignant story about your family that’s intimate and genuine.

It’s all about the smaller moments.

While you may not think that your everyday routine is worthy of documentation, it’s these in-between moments that shape your family’s dynamic and will lay the groundwork for who your children will become. It’s your child learning how to brush their own teeth or a bedroom dance party or a wiffle ball game at sunset. Your current routine with your children will fade away before you’re even aware that it has – and there’s no going back to this precious time. It’s these everyday moments that are the most meaningful.

Show your gratitude. Share your love.

Documentary family sessions are about being grateful for the love and the life you share together. Years from now, these photographs will give you the chance to look back at this treasured time and remember exactly what it felt like to be there. Without having the burden of camera duty, you’ll get to experience your family’s emotional connection firsthand while living in the moment. Let me make the photographs that will someday become your memories.


Books are forever.

A custom-designed book is included with every documentary family package because I believe in their power and permanence. There’s nothing better than turning the pages of a book that tells the story of your amazing family. I don’t want your precious memories relegated to deep storage on a hard drive. Books have withstood the test of time and will be with you forever. I’m an award-winning photobook designer and I can’t wait to create something special for you from our session.

If you were to schedule a documentary family session with me annually you’d have a chronological collection of books for your coffee table or library. Imagine giving your grown-up child a gift of these photobooks for a special occasion, perhaps at their graduation from college or on their wedding day. A lasting investment that is truly priceless.


So, what’s next?

Say the word and I’ll send over my Documentary Family Photography Questionnaire and Session Guidelines. Before we confirm a session date we’ll chat. Maybe on the phone, by Skype or in person. I’ll be happy to answer any questions and respond to your concerns. I'll explain my process and how I work. I’ll also want to make sure we're a good fit. It’s super important that there’s a shared level of trust and ease between us.

You can reach me through my contact form or email directly at andi@andischreiber.com.


Say hello! Drop me a note if you’d like information about my pricing and packages or to schedule your session today.